Андрей Николаевич писал(а):Если смогли переварить азы, подумайте, из этого, к чему приводит принудительная аэрация водных вытяжек.
Честно говоря, банальная логика подсказывает мне, что ни к чему плохому это не приводит, т.к. эти организмы живут вместе с червями, т.е. в аэробных условиях. Также Elaine R. Ingham (PhD, т.е. кандидат наук по-нашему) во введении своей книги The Compost Tea Brewing Manual (2005) пишет следующее: "Aerated compost teas contain all the species of organisms that were in the compost. Thus the compost has to be “tea-quality”. Those organisms selected by the temperature, foods present, nutrient composition, oxygen content in the tea brew grow during the brewing process. When oxygen drops below a certain level, nutrients can be lost and disease-causing organisms may grow. Oxygen content is critical, but so is the diversity of aerobic organisms. The competitive set of organisms must be present to prevent pathogen growth. The amount of food added must be limited to enough to attain maximum growth of desired organisms but not so much that oxygen concentration drops below the aerobic level. Balance is critical – maximize growth, but maintain aerobic conditions. Machine cleanliness is important too. Anaerobic biofilms growing in the machine can result in poor quality tea. Documenting that a consistent, plantbeneficial product is always made is paramount."
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